Here's my story!

We all have turning points in our lives, a point in time you know changed your course.  The one that led me here began when I was 57, At the time I was an educator of 30 years and loving life again after numerous years of taking care of my former spouse through a deteriorating disease. After losing her I became laser focused in my health, I became a runner and cyclist, changed my eating habits, worked on my weight and actually dropped over 60 lbs. I remarried a few years later and was back on track to a healthy and long life, or so I thought!

On my 60th birthday I woke up (thank God) to my right side totally numb. I had a Stroke! After seeing several doctors, put on numerous medication and many days frustrated, and feeling sorry for myself, I decided to find a way to improve not only my health but my attitude of the new norm.

So began my holistic, if strong willed, approach to healing.  I learned all I could about how food really works in the body, and experimented with many dietary theories, supplements, and alternative therapies.  I eliminated foods that were hurting me, added ones that heal, and even started a Podcast specifically centered around interviewing practitioners in holistic, alternative and functional modalities..  The past 7 years have been full of new foods, movement, breathing, education and great books. I have improved my health and was attentive to preventative measures for anxiety, depression, which came after my stroke.  I carefully pruned my schedule to include self care, and I'm giving it my best shot at providing a nourishing foundation for my family and friends.  I am truly passionate about the work I do because my choices have led me to a healthier place every year that goes by.

At this point, I want to dispel any myths that may be forming about my journey!  For me, I haven't measured my health by how perfectly I live or eat - there is no perfect.  I've stumbled along this path long enough to know that it's not about walking perfectly, it's about walking forward, and introducing a kind, gentle voice in place of the critical, negative one.  I don't always eat a particular way, nor have I found it necessary to eat the same way as time goes on and healing takes place.  I don't always come from a place of love and joy, but I strive to apply peace and an open heart wherever I can insert it into my daily grind.  I'm not always happy or feeling in top form, but I'm intentional about being present and embracing a full spectrum of feelings, and I'm conscious of my effort to apply what I know as best I can.  It is not perfection, but active intentions that have led me to vibrant health and well being, and it's an experience based strength in the area of wellness and personal growth that I offer my clients.

What’s Stopping You from Beginning NOW

Ready to Unlock a Fuller Life After 40 and Discover Your Path to Vitality and Joy?

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a life filled with boundless energy, reduced chronic pain, and a newfound passion for life every day? If you're in your 40s and beyond, you're at a stage where you deserve to savor life's pleasures to the fullest.

We're about to unveil a transformational program remarkably simple yet effective tips that can revolutionize how you experience life after 40. These insights are the keys to unlocking a future where every moment is brimming with vitality, energy and joy. Whether you're looking to rediscover your zest for life, alleviate persistent pain, or infuse your days with an unprecedented level of energy, this is your roadmap. Join me as we embark on this thrilling journey, because it's never too late to transform your life for the better.

Physical activity isn't just about staying in shape; it's a gateway to a life filled with vitality. Incorporate regular, enjoyable exercise into your routine, whether it's a leisurely walk, dancing to your favorite tunes, or joining a local fitness class. Movement can reduce pain, increase energy levels, and boost your mood, bringing more zest to your daily life.

-Bob Priest